How the Ward works
Ward: C6W (ext 44116 / 44117)Ward Sister: Vicky Ebdon
Ward Deputies: Laura Cooper
Ward Clerk: Annie Truelove, Gail Truelove
Discharge Co-ordinator: Lynette Cox
Endocrine Specialist Nurse: Emma Hodgson (bleep 0111)
Diabetic Specialist Nurses Covering Wards: Nathan Gibbons, Anita Yau, Mark English, Diane Hawkins, Amanda Crockett (ext44271)
Ward Pharmacist: Emma Knott (bleep 6029, 0641)​
Consultants will usually cover the ward for 2 weeks at a time and then switch.
Team KOO/DBE/Babu covers Bay A, B and Cubicles, Team MIB/RR cover Bay C, D and outliers.
Team DBE/PMB will alternate every 2 weeks and Team MBI/RR will rotate every 2 weeks.
It’s essential when printing and checking the list in the morning, that you ensure patients are transferred on CWS under the name of the consultant covering the ward at the time, to avoid patients being missed on the list.
If Rose or Adele are not available, then you can change the patient’s consultant on CWS under admission details.
Consultant ward rounds
The board round with the nurse in charge starts at 09:00 in the MDT room where a brief handover is given by the nurse in charge highlighting any issues overnight or any unwell patients.
You should also discuss the social needs of patients as the discharge coordinator is also present in the meeting.
Currently, nurses have also started a brief 5-10-minute update in the afternoon in the same MDT room around 14:00 to inform them of plans from the morning ward round.
Ward Schedule
Discharge summaries are to be completed in a timely manner.
Please ensure on a weekly basis all consultant discharge summaries are reviewed and completed accordingly.
If there are any outstanding D/C summaries, they must be completed as soon as possible for us to avoid any complaints.
Remember to Write discharge summaries for patients when being transferred to another hospital.
Radiograph reports must be signed off regularly for all patients under all consultant care.
Discharge summeries
It is of utmost importance that all Death Certificates and Cremation Forms are completed straight away once the cause of death has been determined, to avoid delay in procedures and emotional stress to the families.
All deaths are no scrutinised by Medical Examiners and once they have reviewed the case you will get an email from the care after-death team to complete the paperwork.
A new Verification of Death form (VOD) has been created to enable you to complete the cremation form in a timely manner.
Discharge summaries must be completed for ALL deceased patients.
Death Certificates
​There could be patients in multiple outlying wards including the front door. Please ensure that the list is updated daily to avoid missing any patient
Annual & Study leave
When organising annual or study leave, it’s important to ensure that there are enough juniors to cover both sides on those days. There should be at least three SHOs or above on the wards every day – and one SPR. The F1s and the PAs should not be left alone to cover the ward at any point. There should be cross-cover for both teams if necessary to accommodate study leave and annual.
Annual leave and study leave should be agreed upon with the rota co-ordinator 6 weeks in advance and any on-call swaps must consider others on the ward first. Once your annual leave is agreed upon, you must submit your form to Wendy Hopkins for a signature from Dr Ershaid to keep in our records.
F1s are allowed nine days of annual leave per 4-month rotation, Core trainees are allowed 13 days and a half day of annual leave per 6-month rotation. You can take an extra day of annual leave if you have worked a bank holiday.
We have created an online live ward patient list which needs to be updated everyday. All of the consultants also have a link to this list and check it often to be aware of ward patients and issues,
There are many bleeps available in our ward. Please divide the bleeps among yourselves and update the secretaries with the final allocated bleep list.